Summary :
Solo Leveling Manga Chapter 85 titled “The Return” opens with Sung Jinwoo and Go Gun-Hee returning to the Hunter Association after their successful raid on the double dungeon. They are greeted by a group of reporters eager to hear about their experiences.Jinwoo tells the reporters that the new monsters in the double dungeon were powerful and dangerous, but that he and Gun-Hee were able to defeat them with the help of the other hunters on the team. He also tells reporters that he is confident that he and the other hunters will be able to defeat any new threats that may emerge.After the conversation, Jinwoo and Gun-Hee meet with Hunter Association President Choi Jong-In. Jong-In tells Jinwoo that he is amazed at his achievements and that he is now considered one of the strongest hunters in the world.Jong-In also tells Jinwoo that he has been invited to join a special team of hunters that is being assembled to deal with the new monsters that threaten the world. Jinwoo accepts the invitation and begins training with the other team members.Sung Jinwoo and Go Gun-Hee return to the Hunter Association after successfully raiding the double dungeon. They are greeted by a group of reporters eager to hear about their experiences.Jinwoo tells the reporters that the new monsters in the double dungeon were powerful and dangerous, but that he and Gun-Hee were able to defeat them with the help of the other hunters on the team. He also tells reporters that he is confident that he and the other hunters will be able to defeat any new threats that may emerge.After the conversation, Jinwoo and Gun-Hee meet with Hunter Association President Choi Jong-In. Jong-In tells Jinwoo that he is amazed at his achievements and that he is now considered one of the strongest hunters in the world.Jong-In also tells Jinwoo that he has been invited to join a special team of hunters that is being assembled to deal with the new monsters that threaten the world. Jinwoo accepts the invitation and begins training with the other team members.Solo Leveling Manga Chapter 85 is a satisfying chapter that shows how Sung Jinwoo grew up as a hunter. He is now considered one of the most powerful hunters in the world and is ready to face any new threats that may arise.The chapter also does a good job of setting up the next arc, as it’s clear that Jinwoo and the other members of the special team will be facing powerful new monsters in the near future.Overall, Solo Leveling Manga Chapter 85 is a great chapter that fans of the series will definitely enjoy.