Summary :
Solo Leveling Manga Chapter 82 titled “New World” opens with Sung Jinwoo and his shadow soldiers exploring the Jeju Island Dungeon. The dungeon is full of powerful monsters, but Jinwoo and his shadow soldiers can easily defeat them.Jinwoo eventually reaches the center of the dungeon where he confronts the dungeon boss, Leviathan. Leviathan is a massive and powerful sea monster, but Jinwoo is able to defeat it after a long and hard battle.With the defeat of Leviathan, the island of Jeju Dungeon also disappears. Jinwoo and his shadow soldiers return to the surface to be greeted by the other hunters.After defeating Leviathan, Jinwoo is hailed as a hero by the Korean people. He is also awarded the highest rank of the hunting association, the SSS-Rank.Jinwoo then returns home to be reunited with his sister Jinah. Jinah is overjoyed to see her brother safe and sound and proud of his achievements.Solo Leveling Manga Chapter 82 is a satisfying conclusion to the Jeju Island Dungeon arc. Jinwoo’s battle with Leviathan is epic and exciting, and it’s great to see him finally defeat this powerful creature.The chapter also does a good job of wrapping up an arc and setting up the next one. Jinwoo’s new SSS-Rank is a sign of his growing power and it is clear that he is now the most powerful hunter in the world.Overall, Solo Leveling Manga Chapter 82 is a great chapter that fans of the series will definitely enjoy.