Solo Leveling Manga Chapter 0
Summary :
"Solo Leveling" is a South Korean web novel series written by Chu-Gong, which was later adapted into a popular webtoon series illustrated by Jang Sung-Rak. The series follows the story of Sung Jin-Woo, an E-rank hunter in a world where people with magical abilities known as "awakening" face deadly monsters in dungeons.Chapter 0 "Solo Leveling" introduces us to Sung Jin-Woo, a young man who is often referred to as the weakest hunter due to his E-rank status. He is part of a guild called the "Hunters Guild", which consists of hunters of various ranks. In this world, gates open that lead to dungeons full of dangerous monsters. Hunters are tasked with clearing these dungeons and protecting humanity.During a routine dungeon exploration, Sung Jin-Woo and his team find themselves in a particularly dangerous dungeon with powerful monsters. The team faces a crisis, and as they struggle to survive, Sung Jin-Woo's life is in grave danger. However, something extraordinary happens to him. It awakens a unique power in him that sets him on a path of unprecedented growth and strength.This newfound power is a significant turning point in Sung Jin-Woo's life as he begins to transform from the weakest hunter to an immensely powerful one. Chapter 0 marks the beginning of his journey as he sets out to explore the new powers and possibilities that come with his awakening. The story sets the stage for his evolution as a hunter and hints at the mysteries surrounding his newfound abilities.